Justice One Drop At A Time

I remember some years ago, someone telling me not to try and “boil the ocean” and set yourself up to do an impossible task all at once.

And so it is with acts of justice.

It’s easy for us to think when we read of hungry people, displaced families, or a low-functioning legal system, that the best way for us to restore justice is by executing on a large, integrated plan involving lots of people and lots of money.

That’s why some see problems related to injustice and absolutely impossible to solve. They see the solution as impossible.

But, just like a journey that begins with a single step, so, often does justice.

If that’s the case, then an effective way to proceed is one small step followed by another — all moving toward the same goal. Want to combat the injustice of hunger? Start by providing a meal for someone in need. Want to combat the injustice of prostitution and sex slavery? Find a local shelter and volunteer one day a week.

It’s when all of the single small tasks are combined toward a larger goal that justice gets doneĀ and the world becomes a better place.


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